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Standing outside the fire

The other night Jared (my almost hubs) and I wandered out to attend a concert that one of my all time fave country artists was putting on that would air across over 300 drive-ins. If there is anything you need to know about me right from the start it is that I am obsessed with my country music-and experiencing it live in concert is one of my favorite things to do to fill every inch of my soul. I feel most alive when I am letting my hair whip around while dancing to songs I have been belting out since my early childhood days alongside my fierce mama as she drove our pick up truck down a country road. I love the energy of live music and how when I look around there are no cell phones to distract us (couldn't hear the ring tone if we tried) and people are immersed in the moment...seemingly letting all of their daily stresses melt away between the beer and the bass-and Luke Bryan's view from the back of his jeans doesn't hurt-lesss be honest.

So it was the other night when Garth Brooks played one of my old favorites on that big white screen in the middle of nowhere that I felt renewed. My soul was full of joy to the brim like the fancy, yet basic AF, white claw in my hand. I felt in that moment I was meant to hear those lyrics again at this point in my life alongside this man who has given me hope and supported my dreams. I was reminded of my purpose. What I have always felt is my calling-to connect with others and help them to embrace their truth by sharing my own. You see, I have learned that it is only once you fully open up yourself to listen to what it is that was meant for us-and not what we THINK we are meant for-can we boldly follow that inner voice against all the fears. You make the choice to not stand outside the fire--but to freely dance amongst the flames.

A new chapter in my story begins today but I am just as thankful for the many that have been written before this one that have led me here. Some are the kind that leave you feeling like the ad for the original Snuggie-all warm and toasty in front of a bonfire.

Others might feel uncomfortable like a small piece of hot ash floated up and landed on your arm. They sting and burn...and catch you off guard-even if you were doing everything right to protect yourself. But, my friends, those same small sparks intended for my pain also were the tinder that lit the passion inside of me-from the scorched moments to the glowing ones...they fueled my fire. And my embers are far from being put fact, they are just being ignited.

It’s my turn to speak. To share. To help others grow in their own journey towards creating real authentic wholeness in their life. To dance while EVERYONE is watching.

So let’s take a walk together...maybe stumble a little on a few rocks...get up and dust ourselves off and regain our footing. We all take a few wrong turns (that maybe never were really wrong in the end) and courage is to be able to view our "missteps" along the way as arrows towards finding the true north that awaits us. And the most beautiful thing about it is that the path is wide enough for all of us to leave our imprints in the road without stepping on someone else to get ahead. Trust'll discover I've got enough dirt for you all to stomp in.

As we journey we may be called in opposite directions. What path works for me may not be the one for you-but I promise to be authentic and real about what moves me forward-and what has held me behind at times. I encourage all who decide to blaze the trail with me to not be afraid to share your opinions...send me messages or ask me questions-call me out on my BS or just let me know you want to be heard. It's all ok and part of celebrating our individual strengths and differences that make us the unique souls we are. I have a hope that we can and will challenge each other to be the best versions of our often broken human selves and at the same time be there to also pick one another up after the last piece of our heart shatters on the floor. Because ourlives go on-even if we are on the floor in a ball wondering how we got there. We eventually sit up, stand tall and take another step one day at a time. One often shaky foot in front of the other. And in the end, perhaps what we realize  is that every twist and turn and change of direction and step we take is not so much about our victory towards becoming anything...maybe it’s about un-becoming anything that isn’t really you so you can become the person you were meant to be in the first place-and run towards her (or him of course my fellas).

Find the spark that lights your torch...and carry it onward with pride.

I proudly share with you mine as I introduce:





My story is filled with broken pieces, my fair share of bad decisions and some ugly truths. But it’s also filled with a major comeback, peace in my soul and grace that saved my life.


It is by way of that very grace that I found my voice…and just as much as I want to speak to be heard, I want to hear yours too.





(I can't promise perfect content, but I can promise entertainment at my own expense, usually)



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